Design Principles for High Frequency Power Transformer Materials

Design Principles for High Frequency Power Transformer Materials:
To meet the size and weight require~uents of modern switching power supplies new ferrite materials with low losses in a 100kHz-1MHz frequency range are needed. Examplary the development of an improved version of the well known material N49 [I I designated as N49i is discussed. Tl~e development of this new material results substantially in the reduction of the core losses (by aho~rt 20%) compared with tile conventional one within the frequency range around 5001;Hz at operating
temperature area around 80°C. h1 connection with N49 considerations i~nportant design principles in high perfo~mance power fenites are discussed generally. This is concerned wit11 a detailed lineup of suitable materials for the frequency range from 100m ep to I MHz. The perfonnance of power ferrites N87, N49 and N59 is judged by its maximum fxB-product for a given dissipation level, a good measure for the attainable tluoughput power for a design. It is shown that the improved N49 version leads to an optimized gradation between the ~nater~als N87, N49 and N59. Fnthennore the con-elations between frequency dependent ~naxi~ninn of perfonnance factor, gram size and AC-resistance behaviour are analysed
Design Principles for High Frequency Power Transformer Materials