RF Wireless Control System

The ATAK4015744U/E (U for 315 MHz, E for 433.92 MHz) Evaluation Kit demon-
strates a one-way RF system comprised of an AT86RF401U/E transmitter and a
T5744 receiver. The kit ships with software that allows the transmitter to send a unique 8-bit code corresponding to one of four buttons on the transmitter PCB. The code contains the button identity as well as battery status of the transmitter. On the receive side, the T5744 demodulates the RF signal into a digital signal and presents it to the AT86RF401, which contains an integrated AVR® microcontroller. Once the signal is processed, a binary representation of the button pressed and the battery status are displayed on the three LEDs. The RF system uses on-off keyed (OOK) carrier modulation and pulse width modulation (PWM) to encode the digital information. See Figure 1 for a system block diagram.
RF Wireless Control System